The long-awaited 9.1 updates have pleased gamers with many great innovations. Even if you have a lot of ammunition, in the new version you will find a vast selection of clothes.
Among the countless treasures you will find:
- Shrine of Dominance armor;
- rewards for PvP battles;
- various clothing for the covenant;
- lots of cosmetic shoulder pads and other back items from the Womb;
- fashionable glasses, and much more.
In general, the transmogrification has been replenished with many new interesting items, which we will talk about in more detail.
Shoulder pads features

WoW, developers have been working on the separate transmogrification of shoulder pieces for a long time. Release 9.1. will finally introduce them in all their glory, which especially pleases fans of stylish clothes.
Here, gamers are able to change the look of each of the shoulder pads. You can make them different for the left and right pieces. For this, go to the bottom of the main menu tab and check the box for the separate transmogrification.
Sanctuary of Dominance Raid Ammunition
The central theme of the second season of Shadowlands, namely the Sanctuary raid, was the formidable chains, as well as Torghast, the Fortress of the Damned. This raid will require a special style of clothing. Special ammunition in alternative colors must necessarily have armor. Its appearance is not at all new to players. The legendary model of the raid harness doesn’t include additional details, but it glows strongly, which makes it different from clothing in other modes. The armor of Shadowlands can always be distinguished by such elements as:
- cloth;
- leather;
- chain mail;
- armor.
The second season of Shadowlands pleases keen gamers with three different sets of ammunition. At the same time, there is no division into factions, which is annoying for some battle participants. The armor of characters is made in alternative colors specifically for the Dark Lands and with the maximum similarity to items sold by PvP shopkeepers.
PvP Season 2 clothing sets

The Gladiator’s Robe can be found in colors made specifically for the Sanctuary of Dominance raid. They match items sold by PvP merchants for conquest. One more color option is available for veteran ammunition. It matches the raid Mythic items. However, you will also find some special effects here.
Weapons in the second part of Shadowlands
The Womb, Torghast, and Chains of Dominance themes include weapon sets that will be available to gamers in the Sanctuary. They are required for all PvP Season 2 fights. Warrior weapon kits include:
- sharp thorns
- unusual horns
- skulls, and more.
If your character takes all of this and in addition puts on new armor, they will be quite similar to the legendary and formidable warrior of the Womb.
Details on class weapons

This type of weapon for the Sanctuary of Dominance is known for being very varied and by its efficiency:
- Hunting quivers and bows. Such a weapon first appeared in the Sanctuary of Dominance raid at the beginning of The Burning Crusade. It is noteworthy that the gamer will be able to find it by digging into the boss’s loot. The best hunters will receive the Deathwhisper bow for successfully conquering Sylvana Windrunner. It will have one color at all levels. It cannot be found in the raid search. In addition, if you are good at shooting, you can also take a miniature cloak of the Dark Ranger from the boss. It is a typical quiver, the color of which is selected according to the mode.
- Rogue dagger. You can get it from Sylvana. It is called the Border of the Night. This item doesn’t have any class restrictions. It is used almost exclusively by rogues. The item has only one look. Its color is the same for all raid stages.
- Fierce cold. Among useful things, a special place is occupied by a sword with one handle, the Devouring Cold one. It resembles the Killer of all inanimate and the Hungry cold. This sword became famous thanks to the famous scene in “South Park”. You can get it in Kel’Thuzad. It will have a different color in every one of the four modes.
Update 9.1. gave gamers the latest cosmetic sets of the Covenant ammunition. They differ from each other not only in functionality but also in color, so they will be useful to characters from different classes. This means that, despite the lack of ammunition for each class, the characters can now wear any armor.
In the Chains of Dominance, you will have access to three sets of colors, which you can find and get in two ways:
- by growing reputation in a new faction;
- by increasing your popularity in the playing covenant;
- By using Warcraft boost.

Venthyrs have two types of ammunition. You will have to buy it separately. Kyrias has one set of two different types of armor, depending on whether your character is male or female. Other Covenants may take one set per source max.
The Legion of Death is a new faction of 9.1. version. It’s located in Cortia. Players who manage to win its universal approval, as well as reach the 60th level of popularity, will be able to receive special closed ammunition kits. They can be purchased for 6,000 stigias from the Duchess Minx quartermaster.
After you reach the 60th level of popularity, you will immediately get this set in your personal bag. Players who reach such a high rank won’t need to buy it from sellers for their hard-earned money. Once you reach level 77, this bundle can be purchased from the Popularity Vendor in the Covenant’s lodgings for 10,000 Anima savings.
In addition to all of the above, version 9.1 offers the gamers unusual new features of transmogrification — great glasses, which many fashion fans in Azeroth and other game locations will want to buy. In total, the game will offer you 6 options of glasses, three of which will be solid with their own colors. 3 others are in the form of halves. These cosmetic accessories are suitable for transmogrifying different types of helmets.