Pest control is extremely important in homes and offices to keep everything hygienic and maintain health code standards. It can be a serious deterrent to your health and well-being so pest control should be done on a regular basis in order for it to be effective.
During a visit, an exterminator looks for pest activity and takes all the preventive measures to prevent the growth of bacteria and viruses. Exterminators also examine the structural integrity of the building to see if there has been any growth that should be controlled.
But these processes would not be effective if not done in regular intervals. It is important for every homeowner to regularly scheduled pest control treatments depending on their problem and needs. In this article, we will explore just for how long a particular treatment can be effective.
Types of Pest Treatment

Unfortunately, there are many types of pests that one needs to take care of. All of them will require specialized treatment in order to remove the issue from the root. Let us look at the different types of pest control processes and for how long they will be effective.
1. Termite Treatment
If the home is to field with wood anti-ages and furniture you are at potential risk of a terminal infestation. The worst thing about this particular infestation is that it is difficult to discover right away and can cause significant damage without detection. The only way to effectively combat this problem is by scheduling regular inspections so that a professional can judge when pest control might be necessary.
The idea is to have regular checks every 6 months to 1 year. The most effective treatment for termites is liquid pesticide but it takes longer to apply. It is also not good for the environment and is fairly toxic. Another method is by using waiting stations which are contingent on termites responding to the bait.
The repetition of the treatment depends on the severity of the chemicals used during pest control. The beating method is perfect for removing the route of the problem itself. However, it will take longer and one would still have to engage in regular inspections. Liquid chemicals are more efficient but would require reinforcement from time to time.
2. For Cockroaches

Anybody who hates creepy crawlies would know how irritating cockroaches are. They are incredibly resilient which is why pest control is very difficult for them and reinforcements need to be done regularly. The bright side is that one can easily detect if there has been a roach infestation in their home or workplace.
Then you should have multiple sessions in reapplying the insecticide and pesticide used for termination. The exterminator not only targets the live roaches but also their eggs and nests so that problem is solved from the root itself. If all one sees are a few roaches one can use normal bug sprays and all will be okay.
Constant recurrence, on the other hand, will require immediate action so that the situation can be controlled before it gets out of hand. The frequency of extermination depends on the extent of the infestation. Infection every three months or six months can also help in identifying how effective the treatment was. One can then decide if it needs to be enforced or if the initial method was enough.
3. Ant Treatment
Seeing ants in the house or in the backyard is very natural especially if a food item was left on the floor. However, an excess of anything is not safe and an infestation can cause food contamination and diseases related to the digestive system. It can be treated effectively as long as an inspector recognizes the problem.
Inspection for a particular infestation needs to be done every 3 to 6 months and the effectiveness of the treatment will also depend on the level of infestation. After the treatment is done the pest control company will schedule monthly visits to see how effective the treatment was and whether there needs to be reinforcement.
The treatment will target not only live but also their eggs and the nest is located beneath the building or nearby. A nest can also be located within the walls or by the foundation so things need to be handled carefully so remove the root cause. To know more, click here.
4. For Bed Bugs

There is quite nothing as irritating as bed bugs because they interfere with the sleeping pattern. Nobody wants a blood-sucking insect in their home which is why one needs to be very careful about detecting the problem. Experiencing the bite of bed bugs is very irritating even if it does not cause any health-related issues.
It is difficult to get this infestation treated by yourself so ask for help from professionals. The exterminators will help in finding out the route cause and removing the nest which was inside the mattress or bed sheets. The pest control treatment for bed bugs is very effective and will not be needed over and over if one deals with the cause right away.
How Long Does It Last?
As we have mentioned above, the effectiveness of pest control is entirely dependent on the level of infestation in the building. The pest control for cockroaches, spiders, and moths only lasts for a few months so has to be done every quarter. Bed bugs can be removed effectively at once but it can be tricky if the root cause is not belted properly.
The frequency of the pest problems and their solutions are dependent on the geographical location and the extent of infestation in a living space. Your exterminator will be the best person to tell how long a particular treatment was effective and when a follow-up is needed.
The Takeaway
Be open to the idea of having regular inspections even if it seems like an unnecessary expense. New homes are just as prone to infestations as older homes so do not hesitate to schedule inspections.